This work was on display at Lebensmittel, Berlin from November 7th until November 10th 2021.
‘Them/Theirs’ is an on-going body of work uncovering the rich diversity and multi-layered forms of identity expressions within the non-binary community in Berlin and worldwide. It is a form of understanding oneself, of dressing, speaking, walking, relating within the world in alternating states of being, uninscribed by suppressive gender norms - it is a daily act of boldness. As a community of non-binary individuals there is no such thing as blending in but a need for carving out a space within society.
‘Them/Theirs’ is an on-going body of work uncovering the rich diversity and multi-layered forms of identity expressions within the non-binary community in Berlin and worldwide. It is a form of understanding oneself, of dressing, speaking, walking, relating within the world in alternating states of being, uninscribed by suppressive gender norms - it is a daily act of boldness. As a community of non-binary individuals there is no such thing as blending in but a need for carving out a space within society.